Xinxu Wei (韦新栩)


[10/2023] One paper was accepted by Digital Signal Processing.

[6/2023] One paper was submitted to by IEEE J-BHI.

[12/2022] One paper was accepted by a top journal ESWA (JCR Q1, IF=8.66). The codes have been released.

[10/2022] One paper was accepted by IEEE BigData 2022 (Special session on Healthcare Data). Note that the acceptance rate is only 18%.

[7/2022] One paper was accepted by ICANN 2022. And I became a student member of E-NNS community.

[4/2022] I travelled to Montreal, Canada, and started my study at McGill. And I joined Mila - Quebec AI Institute as a graduate researcher.

[9/2021] One paper was accepted by ICRAE 2021.


  • McGill University
    • M.Sc. in Neuroscience, 2021 - 2023, Montreal, Canada
    • Work at Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute (Mila)
  • University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
    • M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, 2020 - 2023, Chengdu, China
    • Suzhou Industrial Park Scholarship
    • First Class Scholarship of UESTC
  • University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
    • B.E. in Communications Engineering,
      2016 - 2020, Chengdu, China
    • ”985”, ”211” Project
    • Double First Class University

Journal Publications

Orientation and Context Entangled Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation

Xinxu Wei, Kaifu Yang, Danilo Bzdok, and Yongjie Li
Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA) (Top Journal, JCR Q1, IF=8.665).
[PDF] [Code]

DA-DRN: Degradation-Aware Deep Retinex Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement

Xinxu Wei, Xi Lin, and Yongjie Li
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) [PDF]

Conference Publications

Deep Pneumonia: Attention-Based Contrastive Learning for Class-Imbalanced Pneumonia Lesion Recognition in Chest X-rays

Xinxu Wei, Haohan Bai, Xianshi Zhang, and Yongjie Li
2022 International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData) (Acceptance rate = 18%)
[PDF] [Code]

TSN-CA: A Two-Stage Network with Channel Attention for Low-Light Image Enhancement

Xinxu Wei, Xianshi Zhang, and Yongjie Li
2022 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2022)
[PDF] [Code]

SARN: A Lightweight Stacked Attention Residual Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement

Xinxu Wei, Xianshi Zhang, and Yongjie Li
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE 2021)
[PDF] [Code]

Participation in Workshops and Conferences

ICRAE 2021

  • Guangzhou, China. May 13-17, 2021
  • Oral Presentation

ICANN 2022

  • Bristol, England. September 6-9, 2022
  • Oral Presentation

IEEE BigData 2022

  • Osaka, Japan. December 17-20, 2022
  • Oral Presentation

Academic Service

Student Member:

  • European Neural Network Society (E-NNS)

Conference Reviewer:

  • ICPR 2022

Journal Reviewer:

  • IET Image Processing, Cybernetics and Systems